How to excel in Apple Numbers - The ultimate guide to Apple Numbers

More than 300 pages, well over 75 thousands words, almost half a million characters...

The book How to excel in Apple Numbers is an ultimate guide and manual that covers all areas currently available in Apple Numbers.

Written by Apple Certified Pro, it lists basically all functions and features that are available in Numbers for Mac. It details the description of the application, its internal workings but, most importantly, using concrete procedures and examples, it shows how to achieve the desired results.

Together with the description of the features, functions, user interface, etc., the book also offers many tips on how to simplify work and highlights facts that might not be apparent to most users. Further on, where applicable, it points out the differences between Numbers and Excel.

In the book, the following topics are covered (list absolutely not exhaustive):

The book is available on Apple Books.

© Michal Cihar
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